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Energetic Body Process (In Person)

This is an in-person hands-on energetic healing session

  • 45 minutes
  • 60 Canadian dollars
  • 214 Avenue West

Service Description

This is an in-person, hands-on, fully clothed energetic healing session. There are roughly 40 body processes that are available, we will choose one based upon your concern or per your body's request. Some of the most common processes include: - BMM: Processing of other peoples sufferings that your body is mimicking. - Cellular Memory: Done on sore, damaged, or scar tissue to restructure the cells. - MTVSS: for a malfunctioning body of any kind, including the immune system. - Zero Sum of Trauma - Various Activation, Recreation, and Restructuring of the Body or Mind. Your Personal Clearing Loop: Clearings that come up during your session will be available on a clearing loop audio that you can purchase. Your Personal Clearing Loop offer to purchase expires one week after your session. Once purchased it's yours to do what you like with, forever.

Cancellation Policy

Havoc happens! I get it. Sudden emergencies may be given grace. Beyond that, I ask for 24 hours notice if you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment. If less than 24 hours notice is given, our no-show protection will kick in and you will be charged the full cost of the session.

Contact Details

  • 360030 214 Avenue West, Bragg Creek, AB, Canada

    (403) 949-2378

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